The Blessings and Power of Encouragement


Four Must Read Books 

 4Godly Encouragement: 
Medicine for Tough Days
Larry Davies at Amazon 

Available In Paperback at Amazon

 Christian Reading

For more information about the author and his book visit
Paul Matte.

What Does The Future Hold For Mankind

 The Future To Come

For more information about Dr. Andrew C. S. Koh and his books visit:

New Release - Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women

Each morning and night contain a scripture, a prayer, a positive affirmation, and an image. Each page also has a place to write the date as you read and a place to write notes.

No scripture, prayer or positive affirmation is repeated. All the prayers and positive affirmations are unique to the scriptures that they’re with. You will not be bored reading this devotion. It’s different from any other devotion that you’ve read before. This is written in an interesting and engaging style to get you reading each morning and night without skipping a day.

This devotion starts from Day 1 and goes to Day 365. This means that you can start using this book at any time during the year. It’s not based on calendar year but rather YOUR year. This devotion will give you the chance to somewhat read the entire Bible, or at least get you close to doing that in 365 days.

This devotion tells the story of God and His agape love for His most beloved creation…us. This devotion is written to be read over the course of a year. However, if you find that you can’t wait to complete it over a year’s time, then go right ahead and read it how you want to read it. This devotion was written to assist you in living the best spiritual and temporal lives that you can. It was also written to make you enjoy reading the Bible and understand what it is about. This devotion is intriguing, fascinating, and a page-turner.

Once you’ve finished reading this devotion, you should understand who God is, why He did what He did for humanity, and what we need to do to be saved. Also, it tells what will happen to the heavens, to Earth and everything in it once God makes His appearance again to us.

This devotion is chronologically done, from before the beginning of creation unto the end of it. The entire story of the children of Israel is chronologically told from all the books of the Old Testament. The chronological story of Jesus Christ is also told. It also tells of the apostles who took over spreading the Gospel after Jesus left Earth. All the books of the New Testament are used to write about Jesus and His apostles. To make reading this devotion more interesting, suspenseful, and exciting, the story of the Israelites and the story of Jesus Christ are intertwined. However, they are still easy to follow.

This devotion has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to help you deal with personal problems such as alcoholism, overeating, suicide, and rape. It also has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers to deal with major life problems like racism and environmental issues. 

Additionally, it has Important Scriptures and Powerful Prayers about spiritual facts such as the relationship between Jesus Christ and God, why there is no mandatory tithing now, and baptism in Jesus’ name. There are also other personal lessons, life lessons, and spiritual lessons that are addressed to help you live the best temporal life and spiritual life that you can, so that you can have the best of both worlds.

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women has Inspirational Scriptures, Powerful Prayers, Meaningful Positive Affirmations, and Dynamic Images to get your days starting joyfully and your nights ending serenely.

This devotion is good for:
  • Women who want to improve and be a better version of themselves.
  • Women who are looking for a fun way of reading the Bible.
  • Women who are looking for a new devotion.
  • New believers.
  • Long-time Christians.
  • Former Christians.
  • Teenagers.

Becoming A Virtuous Woman Daily Devotions For Women is available at Amazon.

A Life Changing Read - Highly Recommended

Dr. Andy Laurie had a great life. He was living the American dream, happily married, four kids and two great careers. One as a board certified emergency room radiologist, and the other, as one of the pastors at The Bridge Christian Church. 

In When Skies Aren’t Blue, Dr. Andy Laurie shares his personal journey as a sudden and unexplainable illness brought dark clouds into his blue skies of life at the early age of thirty-nine. 

Following, he offers Ten Powerful Steps as prescriptions that present real hope amid those dark skies that tend to drift in without warning. With clear and an easy-to-understand Biblical teaching, coupled with prayers at the end of each step, he encourages readers to remain steadfast in hope, persevere, and hold onto their faith in a God - Who is near and real in times of trouble. 

Further shedding light on evil and sickness in our world, the author speaks candidly to all that are battling with failing health. His book offers fundamentals that teach and reveal not only the characteristics of God and our Heavenly Father as a good Father, yet he also highlights Satan and the role he plays upon this fallen world. 

His book presents simple truths of the Bible by helping readers understand that God is not causing sickness and thus, helps readers gain a healthy perspective. Satan is the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Yet, there is hope to be found! Jesus Christ is our anchor of hope in this life and eternally. 

Dr. Laurie presents 10 powerful steps to victory. Each step is designed to point the reader to a God that is real and present, offering comfort, inspiration and scriptural insight bringing the absolute love and magnificence of God Almighty into the forefront. Dr. Andy Laurie states with unequivocal belief from the facts that God is real, He’s listening to you, and He cares for you. These 10 steps are powerful for life because they speak truth and give real help and hope for those in desperate need. 

This book comes highly recommended for those who are currently suffering with failing health (or other life storms), and are in need of hope and encouragement that is real and tangible. This is an amazing book borne out of the author’s own suffering that will surely bless others immensely! A CBM Christian Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of When Skies Aren’t Blue at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit When Skies Aren’t Blue for more information about the author, his book, and his ministry.

The Sin Of Adultery According To Scripture

 The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded
Dr. Timothy O.



Proverbs 7 – The Warning Against the Adulterous Woman. Order your copy of The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Life Changing Truths

Have you read the book of Proverbs? If not we encourage you to do so and to order your copy of The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded. Both are books that will provide you with insight and life changing truths.

The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded
Timothy O.

A Story About a Bully

Killing Greatness: A Story About a Bully
Tronell Walker
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Tronell Walker, in her latest release, Killing Greatness: A Story About a Bully, speaks to bring encouragement to readers with an underlying theme of encouragement and Biblical principles to help face life’s bullies. She also speaks on current issues facing America, offering hope to many. She speaks frankly and candidly, yet with an overtone of love, tact, wisdom, and gentleness. Her own life reflects one who has chosen to remain steadfast, trusting in God through the storms of life. She gives readers the insight and courage to face their “bullies” in life with confidence, trusting in God through their trials.  

The goal for this book is to enlighten, encourage, and inspire readers into a firm resolve despite circumstances. She covers such subjects as: racism, the current political climate, advocates for the LGBT community, as well as the disabled. With a blend of historical and well-researched facts, along with Scripture, the reader is free to disagree or agree, regardless. 

Tronell Walker’s desire and purpose in this read is to shed light onto these subjects, bringing the social change necessary according to Christian principles of love and mercy. Her hopes are that others will learn how to love and accept each other, individually and corporately, regardless of race, social status, or capabilities; in this way, honoring the Two Greatest Commandments, which is to love God first and to love your neighbors as yourself.

This is a wonderful and highly encouraging read that presents a perspective of wisdom and common sense, offering some solutions that can be used to face a bully (a.k.a. today’s societal dilemmas).  You may get your copy of Killing Greatness at Amazon.

Air, Sea and Land - A Journey

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Get ready to fly, sail, camp and discover! This is a fast-paced Christian-themed scientific journey of exploration filled with technical discovery and building, as a beloved father and son grow in their Christian faith and make a surprising discovery underneath the Earth. ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews

David and son, Aaron, work together in this exciting exploration of earth and sea as a father and son duo filled with comradery, showcasing faith and trust in Jesus. Their adventures take them across the globe, and both admit that they love exploration, especially David. 

Exciting, the two find different landscapes traversing across sea and land in their exploits. Questions have arisen from a mysterious island sinking near Heard Island. Lessons range from oceanography, Earth Science to sailing emerge, as they discover circular chasms on the sea floor under the deep waters surrounding the island. Aaron’s search has begun. Why did that island just disappear and sink, and why so violently? Aaron had barely escaped. 

Yet, despite their commonalities as father and son, their Christian faith keeps them going. Witty and filled with vivid writing and an understanding of how the world works, the author slides in tidbits of life lessons from the Bible. The freedom between these two is refreshing and will leave one yearning for travel and adventure. Building and designing ideas seem to flow between them, passed down from the previous generation. With a taste for adventure, readers will enjoy scenery changes from sea planes to a luxurious jet. Their journeys take them farther than they could have imagined. 

From the southern ocean, over the Atlantic to Africa, notably Zanzibar, with a pitstop in Madagascar before an Antarctic expedition. Then both are off again – this time to the jungles of South America. The two travelers begin to answer questions as to the reason why that island sank; this leads them to Canada. The untouched Artic tundra to be exact. 

The Gospel message and salvation is intertwined within the book. Meanwhile their Christian faith brings hope. David teaches his son lessons, deep lessons about love, God’s creation and why God had to allow evil. These are much appreciated answers without complicated theology. The way David answers just makes sense. 

This is a wholesome adventure recommended for young boys and girls above the age of twelve and comes highly recommended as a scientific, Earth-Science and Christian-based novel that gives the desire to explore different places throughout the world. One might even have a map handy, as these two travel quite extensively.  

A wonderfully written novel that never left me with a dull moment. I felt as if I had travelled right there with father and son. A well-done book fit for family entertainment! You may get your copy of Passage Finder at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

The Road to Grace

Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic; The Road to Grace is a book that encourages Catholics to take a new and closer look at God, asking the reader to consider making up his or her own mind about God. Is He real, or not, and equally important do you have an active one-on-one personal relationship with Him? Are you looking for His help and advice on a daily, or even moment-by-moment basis? Do you think of Him as you do a close, personal friend? Or is He more like a distant acquaintance that you may see, or meet infrequently?

These are the kinds of questions that can directly impact the health of a person's spiritual life. Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic asks the reader to consider these and other similar questions from a personal point of view, rather than as a member of a large congregation, engaging the reader as it draws them personally into the conversation. It also explains the benefits of such a close relationship and how it will not only prepare us for eternal life, but also help us to cope with our daily challenges and struggles.

The book goes on to address the related question of what it takes for a Catholic to gain eternal life. Will experiences such as being raised in the Catholic faith as a child, being confirmed, going to Mass most Sundays and holy days, supporting the church financially simply be enough to gain us entrance into heaven? Or is there something else that is required?

The author uses the example of his own personal life journey, as he moved away from God and then back again, to build a story about the reality of God and how He works in each of our lives. Readers will learn to see major issues such as sin, the process of salvation, forgiveness, prayer, the love of God and neighbor, to include the existence of heaven and hell in a new descriptive light. These and other issues are discussed in the book in a very practical way as they relate directly to the Bible and our daily life experiences.

You may get your copy of Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic; The Road to Grace at Amazon or in Kindle. Be sure to also visit Paul Ramunni at Stone Pocket Cross Miracles

Author releases Her Mother's Manuscripts

This finished work fulfills her promise before her mother's death 
to see this book, Never Forsaken, published. 

Never Forsaken is a labor of love told by Cindy Scott, the daughter of Marion Ghent Jose Lau. Her mother’s memoir reaches back in time to the early 1900’s, through WWII, to present day. Cindy Scott spent two years gathering the several manuscripts her mother penned over fifteen years and combined them with taped interviews to fill in the gaps. 

Never Forsaken is a true-life testimony of survival and restoration after WWII, including the big move to America for a better life. I was hooked from the first chapter. Marion’s rendition of life back then, her father’s radical transformation, becoming born again after being a drinker and gambler, reeled me right in. With a tinge of humor in the section of Papa’s new life, this is a touching sentiment of how the Word of God broke through such a calloused heart. 

Readers will find Marion Ghent’s harrowing journey as a young girl in the Philippines an amazing adventure. Being the youngest of eleven living siblings and the daughter of a colporteur for the American Bible Society, surely this story is an inspiring read that relates God’s absolute faithfulness and how He works in the humblest of ways. The book also relays the efforts of the foot soldiers of the Gospel, and reveals the treasure of how the Gospel goes forth.   

The Ghent’s surviving the shock of war and the tragedies that followed, shed light on loss, but a strong, persevering faith that comes to fruition in finding a new life in America. Certainly, this may be a movie in the making. Exciting, touching, and a powerful story, amazing endurance unfolds during some of life’s pivotal moments, relating Marion’s tale of never being forsaken by God. 

Leading to a triumphant restoration with long lost family members after the scattering of the War years, the author takes readers from beginning to an end of an era long gone. One will be left in awe and find inspiration to all that Marion Ghent and her relatives had to go through during those humble years in the Philippines, escaping and hiding in the jungle for three years. In this miraculous book, history literally unfolds as the awful horrors of war in a foreign country. 

Cindy Scott has culminated history and the telling of Marion's story, and her life experience that also includes photos, maps, text and indexes explaining these far off and quite exotic places in the Philippines. What an amazing read! 

One will find that faith, courage, and overcoming do not come without struggles. Yet, God is ever faithful! 

This book comes highly recommended for those that enjoy true-life war stories, happy endings, with God in the mix! I sincerely hope this book becomes a movie. For me, as one who reads many books, this one was truly memorable and unforgettable. 

Cindy Scott
Never Forsaken
A young woman’s gripping account of faith, courage, 
and survival during and after World War II

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars
You may get your copy of Never Forsaken at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit CYD Publishing for more information about the author and her books. 

Marriage 101 and Beyond - Offering Solutions, Strategies, and Time Tested Advice

Whether one is engaged, a newlywed, or even married for years, all couples will benefit from this truthful, well-written, and concise book giving not only Biblical principles, but much-needed guidance and hope! 

Soooo, You Want to Be Married by Dr. Michael W. Wesley, Sr. was originally written as a resource for those that are in love and considering matrimony. Yet, this book can easily relate to all married couples. 

Pastor, marriage counselor, and a multi-published author, Dr. Wesley sheds light on the many issues that all couples face. Covering a multitude of subjects, this book will be a benefit to all those who desire a healthy, free, well-balanced, and scripturally sound marriage. Consider this as an informative, smart, witty, and funny adventure into the discovery of what makes, breaks, and keeps couples together through the up-and-downs of life and marital relationships. 

Dr. Wesley looks at the common issues, ranging from the loss of courting and romance, to lack of communication, continuing with some of the nitty-gritty problems that can face a marriage. From finances to planning, he tackles each subject with ease, never forgetting that each partner is obviously different, being male and female. He notes that there is an ebb-and-flow to the understanding of both sides of the fence. Forgiveness, love, respect, and honoring God are all key concepts discussed. 

Offering solutions, strategies, and time-tested advice from years of experience, couples learn to identify weakness, strengths, and mental attitudes and changes that should be made within a relationship or marriage. Even if you feel like you made a mistake and there is no answer except separation, this book comes recommended for both partners to read. Dr. Wesley gives readers the tools, insight and perspectives that bring not only the Biblical concepts and principles into focus, but he also speaks candidly on what a happy marriage looks like. Understanding roles as husband and wife is also key within this read. 

Candidly and gently, he reminds all that the institution of marriage is a strong Biblical foundation among this nation, as well as around the globe. 

This book comes highly recommended for those considering a marriage partner or those who are in pre-marital counseling. For those that are married, this also comes highly recommended to either correct trouble spots or come up higher in the relationship.

Title: Soooo, You Want to Be Married?
By: Dr. Michael W. Wesley, Sr.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

You may get your copy of Soooo, You Want to Be Married? At Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at MW Wesley Ministries.

Repentance and Forgiveness

A Must Read BookMrs. Job’s Choice: A Journey of Encouragement by Linda Jo Reed, as a multi-published author, speaks to women across the nation, giving hope and encouragement by blending the incredible journey of Job, with a twist – a focus on Job’s wife. Job’s wife experienced each phase of loss alongside her husband. 

As the author explains, Job’s wife was an unnamed woman in the Bible with a surprisingly short excerpt regarding her state of mind. The author poignantly looks at Scripture and asks herself how she might have felt, while admitting that each one of us may have felt similar feelings towards God. With that, she blends the details of Job’s story with insight from women’s personal testimonies of loss and tragedy.

What comes forth is a beautiful tapestry of God’s work throughout trauma and includes underlying steps that we are led to walk through. These are incredible steps that lead to the discovery of not only ourselves, but reveal God in the midst of great trials. The author has designed an important book for this time that relates the faith that can grow through grievous times of loss. There is hope ladies! One can learn to thrive and overcome.

Setting the stage during each tragedy Job faces, eventually Job’s wife tells her husband to curse God and die. Haven’t we all felt like that? Still, that leaves us wondering, did her faith stand? How does her choice to curse God and the complete disdain for her husband parallel with feelings one might have after destruction has occurred? 

Truly, this is an incredibly insightful read as author Linda Jo Reed takes readers into a delicate telling of those who “chose” to overcome, revealing God at work. At the end of each chapter are meditation and journal questions, ending in a heartfelt prayer that can help lead one back to a path of hope again, making this an interactive book.

With such chapters as: Loss and Disorientation, Stress and Abandonment, Repentance and Forgiveness, Acceptance and Compassion, Silence and Listening, and Believe and Trusther book helps identify what to do with these feelings, and how to get back to belief and trust. There is comfort knowing that we are not alone in our sufferings.

Developed for individual or in group setting, this would make a great Women’s Bible study. This book comes highly recommended for those that have faced such grief, loss, and overwhelming despair and is a must-read for those believers (or unbelievers) that question God, find themselves angry at God and doubt His goodness. Additionally, this is also a timely and Spirit-led work for many in the Body of Christ that have suffered long and are looking for answers, solutions, and restoration.  

A Journey of Encouragement
Linda Jo Reed
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

I personally thank the author and the women for their stories in this magnificent book! You may get your copy of Job’s Choice: A Journey of Encouragement at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. ~ Book Review by CBM Christian Book Reviews

I'm All In

A CBM Christian Book Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars. Matthew F. Terry reveals a faith journey into the unknown. 

His decision to follow God’s will, and not his own, brings travelling to China to be an English Teacher. His story is one of great courage and faith as He finds God and follows God in his weakness. Beginning with an unveiling of the misery in trying to stay in a lifeless job that he could not stand anymore – corporate America, based in Chicago, as he describes it was a job he could not stand. In the midst of despair of endless resumes and job searches after being laid off in 2011, his journey begins as he chronicles the prayers and the answered prayers.

The author displays that trusting God was not easy, and some answers came in amazing ways, certainly not the way the author thought that God would answer. Some of the answers were incredibly simple. As it turns out, God can be practical as well as full of wisdom. Born out of the author’s weakness comes a great testimony to the scripture verse in Corinthians 9:10: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Matthew Terry reveals his trusting God despite all the weakness in the form of job security, travelling to a foreign country, and a medical emergency with his beloved wife.

Beginning with short segways into his venture from moving from seeking trust in the world, losing jobs, job searches, to complete disgust in online searches – each section is short and sweet chronicling almost a year of finally coming to the boiling point. Some entries are rather candid and some humorous as he describes what its like to be looking and searching for a job in the midst of the bottom of the sea with all the other “out of work” colleagues. You can visibly see the downshift in the work-place and he describes the tension level on all 10 floors of his building. Again, direct and concise, these entries create a timeline of his desperation, his prayers and answers to God and how God answered.

Five sections describe his travels from his shift from self-reliance to finding life in weakness and fully trusting in God. Scripture verses speak of each section along with some pictures, as answers, prayers and encouragement for his path to be revealed as God speaks to His heart and leads him make for an invigorating read, sidelined with humorous side notes. In the end, you will find the author has been brought full circle and be inspired to follow God on your own journey into the brave unknown as you begin asking and following His will.

Humbling and insightful, this is a wonderfully touching and uplifting testimony of someone saying, “I’m all in; let’s go.” His thankfulness and enthusiasm ushers in a love for others and adventure. He reveals different aspects in China, some that tug at your heart like the children and the orphans. This book is breathtaking and refreshing!

Certainly, you will read this book with a smile inside seeing the goodness of God lead, protect and bless this man in his future endeavors. And certainly, God has the same for readers. This book is unique in the way it is written with short entries, the blending of a timeline, scriptures and faith, and leads others to discovering God’s will for their lives.

You may get your copy of I Came to You in Weakness at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at Matthew F. Terry to find out more information about his book and some great ministry. 

Highly Informative

A highly informative and life-transforming read!
A must-have book!

To Love Is To Also Protect and Inform

In reading the following book, we were amazed at it's contents and the educational value within. It is truly a remarkable book that touches on a very critical subject. Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Protection--A Guide for Parents Caregivers and Helpers by Reina Davison offers a 3-part handbook to parents, caregivers, and helpers to aid in protection against child sexual abuse. 

Coupled with the use of Biblical principles, stages of development in children, this book teaches, educates and gives parents the arsenal they need to educate themselves and their families in either prevention or healing from traumatic child sexual abuse (CSA).

(CSA) Giving the definitions of child sexual abuse and the staggering statistics in our nation, coupled with the abuse worldwide – the abuse of children is unprecedented. Our day and age is raging with this sin against the most innocent of beings – children. Abuse comes in many forms and can be quite insidious, thus the author’s efforts focus on sexual abuse. She also gives insight into the psychiatric dynamics of a sexual predator or offender. Her book is well-rounded and an overview on the subject of CSA that gives knowledge, help and guidance as a manual for prevention and protection against such crimes.

As a comprehensive handbook, one can glean the contents and find out not only how to use her guide, but understand how to limit internet media and device pornography, recognize strategies of perpetrators, giving tips of what to do and what not to do – parents, caregivers and helpers can help recognize, prevent and protect children against childhood sexual abuse. This guide is an invaluable resource, offering also an overview of the main reasons for abuse (the psychology of abusers) to help readers spot unsafe behaviors, giving them a guidebook in tracking and preventing child sexual abuse.

With a section on educating your child on this subject, this book takes all the pieces of a giant puzzle, and even sheds light on the judicial system in relation to this issue. With different stages of age, such as birth to toddler, toddler to five, six to twelve, and twelve to eighteen, the author has broken down the different stages of growth, exposing the different levels of opportunity that sexual predators may use against a child at these ages, along with age appropriate environments and care providers.

Visit author Reina Davison at Overcoming Abuse for more information about her books.You may get your copy of Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Prevention and Protection at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.'A CBM Christian Book Review / 10.0 out of 10.0 stars